Diablo 4 Druid Build – Nature’s Fury: In this Diablo 4 Endgame Druid Build Guide, I’m going to show you my Nature’s Fury Build. If you’re looking for a Diablo 4 Endgame Druid Build that is aimed at World Tier 3, and one that effectively makes use of the Nature’s Fury Key Passive, then this Diablo 4 Build Guide is for you!
Diablo 4 Druid Build – Nature’s Fury
So let’s start off by taking a look at Nature’s Fury, which makes it so that when you cast an Earth Skill, you have a 20% chance to trigger a free Storm Skill of the same category. This time, if you cast a Storm Skill, it has a 20% chance to activate a free Earth Skill of the same cluster. As such, you’re rewarded for using both Earth and Storm Magic.
Now there are a couple of Legendary Aspects to make this Diablo IV Build particularly deadly, and the first one is the Symbiotic Aspect. When you trigger that free Skill we’ve been talking about, your Non-Ultimate cooldowns of the opposite type are reduced by up to 8 seconds. For instance, let’s say you’re standing there, spamming away with Storm Strike and you activate Earth Spike. You’ll end up triggering the Nature Series Passives so then all the other Earth Skills would gain the 8-second cooldown reduction. If it were the other way around with Earth Spike first, and then Storm Strike, then all the cooldown of your Storm Skills will have been considerably lowered.
For this Nature’s Fury Diablo 4 Druid Build, you have Storm Strike in order to apply Vulnerable and to reduce the cooldown of Earth Skills to make Earthen Bulwark and Trample work effectively. Earthen Bulwark gives you a huge damage shield and makes you Unstoppable so you’re near unkillable, especially in the later parts of the game. By refreshing this constantly, you’ll gain a constant damage shield that protects you and prevents you from taking damage while allowing you to move around since you’re not crowd-controlled.
Because you have the Aspect of the Trampled Earth, Trample becomes a Nature Magic and Earth Skill, and it’s able to summon 6 landslides to pummel enemies with huge AoE. The idea here is that when you go into combat, you’re going to initiate with Earthen Bulwark for protection and then follow through with Trample in the middle of a group to hit them with landslides that go behind you.
Skill Distribution
Each Diablo 4 Druid Build comprises the 6 Active Skills they have equipped and changing these Skills can drastically alter the way the Druid Class in Diablo IV plays. In this section, we’ll take a look at what Skills you should slot for the Nature’s Fury Druid Diablo 4 Endgame Build. By the time you reach Level 50, you’ll approximately have 59 points, assuming that you’ve accumulated enough Renown from different regions to gain 10 extra points. So your Skill distribution should look something like this:
Skill | Points Spent |
Storm Strike | 1 |
Enhanced Storm Strike | 1 |
Fierce Storm Strike | 1 |
Landslide | 5 |
Enhanced Landslide | 1 |
Primal Landslide | 1 |
Tornado | 5 |
Enhanced Tornado | 1 |
Primal Tornado | 1 |
Earthen Bulwark | 1 |
Enhanced Earthen Bulwark | 1 |
Preserving Earthen Bulwark | 1 |
Cyclone Armor | 1 |
Enhanced Cyclone Armor | 1 |
Innate Cyclone Armor | 1 |
Ancestral Fortitude | 3 |
Vigilance | 3 |
Crushing Earth | 3 |
Safeguard | 3 |
Stone Guard | 3 |
Trample | 5 |
Enhanced Trample | 1 |
Savage Trample | 1 |
Cataclysm | 1 |
Prime Cataclysm | 1 |
Supreme Cataclysm | 1 |
Defiance | 3 |
Quick Shift | 3 |
Heightened Senses | 3 |
Nature’s Fury Key Passive | 1 |
The above list gives you the general order to invest in Skills, but keep in mind that you should prioritize picking up new Active Skills over investing in passives, so pick up passives later if you can get new Active Skills when you level up.
Diablo 4 Nature’s Fury Endgame Druid Build – Skills
Cyclone Armor, Hurricane & Landslide
While fights are ongoing, you’re going to use Hurricane or Cyclone Armor and then spam Storm Strike in order to try and reset the cooldown of Earthen Bulwark and Trample. These Skills will be activated in an alternating manner over and over again. In this case, I’m taking advantage of Tornado to put something out that will continue to swirl around, Slow down enemies, and deal damage.
Since they’re Slowed, they’re CCed so we benefit from the Damage vs Crowd Controlled Enemies bonus. What’s more, is that even if the landslides are there, the tornadoes will continue to swirl around on the battlefield, making it a nice synergy. If you don’t have Tornado or another Storm Skill that takes advantage of your Spirit, it just sits there and you don’t really gain any use of it.
I’ve opted for Cyclone Armor for this Nature’s Fury D4 Druid Build to give you a little bit more protection. It also has a chance to trigger a lot more defensive Skills such as Debilitating Roar, Blood Howl, and Earthen Bulwark again. The extra Earthen Bulwark is useful if you’re already in the higher tiers of Nightmare Dungeons.
Alternatively, you can opt for Hurricane if you’re looking to deal more damage on lower tiers. The nice thing about this Skill is that when you trigger it, you might get a chance to activate Trample. And you’ll gain more damage from it due to the Aspect of the Aftershock, which makes it so that every time you summon a landslide pillar, you receive another one that deals a little of extra damage. So the 6 pillars from Trample will be doubled as a result. Finally, in order to inflict more carnage, you’ll need to heavily invest in Landslide.
Cataclysm is your Ultimate Ability that lets you throw it up and then you can keep doing what you want to do. It just goes off, deals damage to everything on the screen, CCs enemies, and makes them Vulnerable. So you’re free to move around and attack using other Skills. Cataclysm is great for situations where you need burst damage like in Boss fights.
Diablo 4 Nature’s Fury Endgame Druid Build – Equipment, Gems & Aspects
At World Tier 3, you’ll gain access to many items together with their bonuses. It can be challenging to determine the right ones to keep for your Diablo IV Druid Endgame Build without the proper direction. So in this section, I’ll discuss the best gear bonuses you should chase after together with the Gems and aspects to place in them. Remember that you can replace unwanted affixes at The Occultist and upgrade your gear at The Blacksmith for the best results.
For the Weapon, the bonuses you’ll want include the following:
- Core Skill Damage
- Basic Skill Damage
- Willpower
For your Weapon, you’ll need to take advantage of the Aspect of Natural Balance, which makes it so that casting a Storm Skill grants your Earth Skills up to a 45% Critical Strike Damage for 4 seconds while casting an Earth Skill increases the Critical Strike Chance of your Storm Skills by up to 12%. This is doubled on a Two-Handed Weapon. So when you use Trample, you’re going to gain up to 24% Critical Strike Chance, or if you use Storm Strike, your next Trample for 4 seconds will gain up to 90% Critical Strike Damage!
For Armor, you have the Helm, Chest Armor, Gloves, Pants, and Boots. The major bonuses you’ll want here include the following:
- Maximum Life
- Damage Reduction
- Barrier Generation
- Lightning Damage
- Willpower
- Critical Strike Chance
- Attack Speed
- Damage Reduction while Injured
- Damage Reduction from Distant Enemies
- Spirit Cost Reduction
- Movement Speed
For this Nature’s Fury Diablo IV Druid Build, you’ll need the Earthguard Aspect, which gives you up to a 25% bonus amount of your next Earthen Bulwark for each enemy you crowd control up to 100%. So if you CC them, you’d deal even more damage, particularly on higher levels of the game to gain all the protection you need.
Speaking of protection, you’ll want the Aspect of Mending Stone to raise the duration of Earthen Bulwark by 6 seconds, up to 9 seconds. Killing enemies with Trample will also replenish some of your active Barrier to help with survivability as you’re running around. Earthen Bulwark is a difficult Skill to use without this aspect simply because 3 seconds is not that long of a damage shield.
Lastly, you have the Aspect of the Protector to conjure another damage shield for 10 seconds when going up against an Elite or Boss.
For Jewelry, you have the Amulet and 2 Rings. The gear bonuses you’ll need include the following:
- Damage to Close Enemies
- Damage
- Dexterity
- Storm Skill Damage
- Ranks of All Defensive Skills
Diablo 4 Nature’s Fury Endgame Druid Build – Spirit Boons
For the most important Spirit Boon of this D4 Druid Build, you’re going to take advantage of Obsidian Slam where every 20th kill will cause your next Earth Skill to Overpower. This means that Trample is going to Overpower every time. It’s great because this Skill hits like a truck.
Diablo 4 Nature’s Fury Endgame Druid Build – Paragon
At Level 50, you unlock the basic Paragon board to further enhance your Diablo 4 Nature’s Fury Endgame Druid Build. I’m using the Shapeshifter Glyph, which makes it so that shapeshifting has a 20% chance to cause Trample’s damage to critically strike on top of your Critical Strike Chance, which is huge since you also get the extra Critical Strike Damage from the Aspect of Natural Balance. In effect, you’re going to hit very hard, particularly if you’re Overpowering at the same time.
From here, you’re better off using the Ancestral Guidance Druid Paragon Board, and that’s because there’s a little cluster here that provides you with higher Spirits while gaining back resources on kill. So you can spam Tornado more and get extra damage. Additionally, you’re not only depending completely on Trample because the Ancestral Guidance Legendary Node allows you to deal 30% increased damage for 5 seconds after spending 75 Spirit, which is huge and will apply to everything you do!
Final Tips
In terms of gear, it may seem like you need a lot of specific aspects but the most important ones to get are the Symbiotic Aspect and the Aspect of the Trampled Earth. The others act like the icing on the cake to make this Nature’s Fury Diablo 4 Druid Build better. You might not get the best rolls on these 2 Legendary Aspect at the start but it’ll get your Build going as you acquire better pieces of Equipment.
Now if you want to play this Build without having Trample, you can alternatively make use of Boulder to have a Skill that not only uses a cooldown but also deals decent damage. The problem with Boulder though is it has a much narrower AoE so you need to be a lot more accurate with your cast but it still inflicts great damage. So you can use it between Levels 1 to 50.
So that wraps up our Nature’s Fury Diablo IV Druid Build, which is probably the last World Tier 3 Druid Build that I’ll do. Be sure to check out our Diablo 4 Wiki for any other questions you have about the game and the Builds page if you are looking for more Diablo IV Builds, as well as our Ultimate Beginner Guide and All Classes Overview if you are looking for more Diablo 4 content!
One response to “Diablo 4 Druid Build – Nature’s Fury”
Wait. you show me a talent list with just trample on it and in the next bit you talk about hurricane.
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